Hi, I’m Tina and I want to help you get to where you want to be…


I am a woman, a daughter and a partner. But the greatest accomplishment in my life is becoming the mother of three incredible sons. And now, I am expanding my journey as an educator and a mentor too. I have overcome difficulties and challenges, which at the time, even I didn’t know how I would get through them!

So here I am with a burning desire to guide women to be all they that they want to be. I am here to guide you to live in your truth through elevating your self-worth, so that you can enhance the most important relationship you ever have. Which is with YOU.

I am here to…

β€œHelp you be who YOU want to be”

Rather than being the person that others wanted YOU to be.

It’s my belief that we can create a better world where women are honoured and empowered, because that is how we can change the energy of the planet collectively.


How my journey to life transformation came to life

My story is not a rags to riches kind of story.


For me, I was a mother of 3, with my youngest son having been born with a physical disability and having to navigate all the heartache and difficulties that came with that. As a consequence of that, I experienced my own physical and mental health issues over the years, with the ending of a 30 year relationship to top all of that.

Now I know, I was not the only person who had experienced hurdles like these, but I came to a point in my life where I had to ask myself, β€œWAS I living a meaningful life that I loved?’ Because deep down, I knew there had to be more to life than this!

Then one day, I had an epiphany:

Now is THE time.

Time to stop playing safe.

Time to stop playing small.

Time to start creating a life that has deeper meaning and purpose.

One that I feel truly inspired to pursue.

So I started my inner journey. I began searching out people who could help me on my path. My path of purpose. 

I had started my work and learning years earlier with the teachings of numerous people in the field of healing, mentoring and self development. My first exploration into this field began with the work of Louise Hay and Shakti Gawain. I was able to build on these teachings further with Patricia Crane PhD, discovering the power of positive affirmations.

At this later turning point, my strong desire to expand my understanding of the mind, body and spirit connection deepened as I continued to work with Bridgit Gloria, Tom Cronin, and Marisa Peer, extending my work in transformational therapy incorporating hypnotherapy.

These along with my background in education have motivated me to share the power of these and to have a greater impact on people’s lives.

And that is where I am now, a transformation life coach that embodies the elevation of self-worth and living my truths. I have never been in a better place than here before. I am so much better and improving more each day, all of these thanks to discovering the value of knowing one’s self-worth.

And you are here to transform your life… to discover your ultimate self-worth and truth and to use those to evolve yourself into a version of you, that you only dreamt of.

Some of my faves

I meditate every day

I love kombucha

I love dark chocolate

I’m obsessed with teaching

I have three lovely sons

I love practising yoga


Which of these options speaks to your heart?

1:1 Personalised Coaching: Focusing on Your Goals

Individualised coaching sessions with/without RTT where you can learn tools and strategies to heal and transform.

IKAT Sisterhood

Periodic gatherings where we embody our feminine energy, sharing our lessons and triumphs amongst our β€˜sisters’.

Retreat: Healing and Transforming Your Life

A women’s retreat where you will experience empowering and life changing group workshops in the tranquility of nature.

Ready to transform your life?

Please tell me more about your dream life and let’s explore together

Where to next?

Need some tips or inspirations? Check out my videos and posts.