We Repeat What We Don’t Repair

Is it possible to keep things we dislike out of our lives? Both pleasant experiences as well as ‘unpleasant’ or ‘unhappy’ experiences are destined to happen to us at different points of our lives.

We understand that it is impossible for everything to be good all of the time. Those events that made us sad have also taught us great lessons.

We realise that we are capable and equipped of getting back up over and over again and have the necessary tools to withstand stumbles.

So it’s for this reason that we have to always face that which bothers us and seek out a way to repair it.

It is totally understandable that if we feel broken inside, the most feasible thing to do is run, hoping that time will just deal with things and everything will go back to normal.

However, what is more often the case, that which we try to escape from will always remain with you.

When we are able to be brave in the face of a situation and we are prepared to dive deeply into what it is that is bothering us, we stand a chance of healing and repairing ourselves to move forward.

Everything we leave up to luck to resolve itself, will invariably repeat itself through circumstances that the Universe presents us. Each time becoming more and more challenging and intense.

We shouldn’t allow things that limit us to remain in our lives or else we run the risk of our hands and feet being bound to the ground.

Instead we need to find ways, tools and/or people that can guide and support us to be brave and stand up to our inner ‘monsters’.

If you want some help and guidance with this, contact me so we can begin to tap into your inner hero to work through what might be limiting you.

Meantime if you like to start elevate your self worth to enhance your relationship with self and others, then grab my Hypnosis Kit below!


Staying In Your Lane..